A story of an agency...
Founded in 1987 by Lori Perkins, a former newspaper publisher and editor, the L. Perkins Agency specializes in many different genres with six agents representing approximately 100 authors to the publishing industry. The agency also has agents in many foreign territories and works with an established film/television agency to maximize exposure for our clients. In 2010, the agency broke new ground by being the first agency to hire a literary agent who worked exclusively in the digital marketplace. To this day, the L. Perkins Agency works hard to identify new publishing venues and makes it a priority to help our authors stay ahead of the curve.
The L. Perkins Agency’s five acquiring agents have a diverse range of tastes and are currently looking for material in a wide spectrum of genres and subjects.
We are always searching for exciting new voices, and we look forward to the possibility of working with you.
The Agents
Lori Perkins is the founding agent at LPA, who has sold more than 2000 titles in her two decades as an agent. Perkins has had 7 books on the NY Times best-seller list including How to Make Love Like a Porn Star: A Cautionary Tale by Jenna Jameson, which made the NYT best-seller list for 7 weeks, J.K. Rowling: The Wizard Behind Harry Potter by Marc Shapiro, and The Hunger Games Companion by Lois Gresh.
Perkins is also the founder and publisher of Riverdale Avenue Books, an award-wining hybrid publisher, and currently splits her time between the two successful publishing businesses. As a result, she is only representing a few select clients, but oversees all aspects of the agency.
She is also a published author of fiction and nonfiction, as well as the editor of the first zombie romance anthology, Hungry for Your Love and 50 Writers on 50 Shades of Grey. She was an adjunct professor at N.Y.U.’s Center for Publishing for two decades, as well as an online professor at Writer’s Digest University. In 2010, The New York Chapter of Romance Writers of America named her Literary Agent of the Year, and she received an Outstanding Achievement Award as an Author’s Representative from Romantic Times Magazine.
She is a frequent speaker at writer’s conferences and conventions from romance to kink and attends approximately 13 conferences a year.
Ben started out at a small publishing company in Salt Lake City, UT and proceeded to do internships at three literary agencies before working as the assistant at the JABberwocky Literary Agency. He decided he wanted to be an agent sometime along the line, and is happily growing an amazing list of clients.
His tastes gravitate towards middle grade fiction, and he is particularly on the lookout for exceptional author-illustrators who write middle grade or young adult. He sometimes gets the inkling to read a great YA sci-fi or fantasy, particularly weird or slightly dark stories (à la The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater). Thanks to his time at JABberwocky, he also loves epic fantasy and science fiction, and although his focus is on middle grade and young adult, he won't say no to a great fantasy or sci-fi. He is also interested in pop culture non-fiction for authors with established platforms.
Ben is closed to all queries except graphic novel submissions. If you have a graphic novel, please send Ben your query, along with 15 sample script pages (with illustrations, if you have them) and a full outline.
Maximilian Ximenez grew up within the New York publishing industry. Prior to joining the L. Perkins Agency, he worked at Blizzard Entertainment, creators of the popular Warcraft, StarCraft, and Diablo video game franchises. He is a strong believer in publishing and narrative as a central pillar of franchise and transmedia development.
Maximilian is actively pursuing clients for both fiction and nonfiction works. In fiction, he is actively pursuing science fiction, fantasy, horror and thrillers, particularly cyberpunk and neo-noir as well as books with a uniquely deconstructive bent. For nonfiction, Maximilian is seeking popular science, true crime and books pertaining to arts and trends in developing fields and cultures.
Maximilian’s clients include two-time New York Times bestselling graphic novel author, Micky Neilson, and Lucien Soulban, lead writer of the BAFTA award winning video game Far Cry 3.
Our Clients
Click an author to follow them on Twitter or view their personal website.
Lori's Clients
Scott Lobdell
John Lustig
Paul Sammon
Marc Shapiro
Cecilia Tan
Maximilian's Clients
Ben's Clients
Some of Our Books...
Please email us a query containing the following to the agent you wish to submit to or to the general address submissions@lperkinsagency.com:
- A brief synopsis
- Your bio
- The first five (5) pages from your novel or book proposal in the body of your email.
- Attachments will not be opened unless specifically requested.
- We only accept email queries. We do not accept queries by snail mail, phone, or social media. All snail mail queries will be discarded unopened
- We will only consider one manuscript from one writer at a time to one agent at a time. If you have written more than one manuscript, choose the one you think is the most promising and pitch that to us. Do not pitch them all.
- We have a strict NO MULTIPLE SUBMISSIONS policy within the agency, so please be sure to only submit to one of us. (Though simultaneous submissions to other agencies are expected.) We work together closely, often passing projects along to other members of the team. If your query is sent to more than one of us, it may be deleted without a response. For information about our agents' individual interests, query guidelines, and contact information, please see our Agents.
- If you have a vigilant spam filter, please turn it off. If we send an email requesting additional material and receive an automatic response asking us to fill out a form in order to send an email to you, your query will be automatically discarded.
- We do NOT represent screenplays, short story collections or poetry.
For information about our agents, their individual interests, query guidelines, and contact information, please see the Our Agents section.
Contact Us
Mailing Address
5800 Arlington Avenue Riverdale, NY 10471
If you are a publisher and would like to inquire as to the status of the subsidiary rights of any of our titles, please contact the agent directly or email us at rights@lperkinsgagency.com
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